Advantages of Online Learning in the Middle of a Pandemic

Fo ot ba ll Str ea min g
4 min readJan 16, 2021

The spread of the Covid-19 virus throughout the World has made all educational institutions establish a distance learning system or online learning. Learning online is indeed not easy, because in general, children are not familiar with this system. Not to mention the system and internet connection problems often occur. However, studying online in the midst of this pandemic also brings several benefits, Ma. The following is an explanation of the 5 advantages of studying online in the midst of a pandemic that has summarized.

Time and place is flexible.

During online learning, children can study wherever they want, be it in the room, family room, or dining table. Changing the place to study can be done occasionally to find a new atmosphere and improve the mood of your little one. In addition, Mama can also set the time when your little one studies and does his job. This is also an advantage for Mama because that way your little one can share his time playing, eating, napping, or helping Mama with light household chores.

Self-discipline and responsibility

Who said that being more self-disciplined is a loss? It is true that studying online requires more self-motivation and time management skills. However, that is precisely a good thing. This is because your little one is given space to schedule his own schedule when he should study. Without coercion, children organize and complete their tasks according to the schedule they specify. This trains your little one’s ability to be disciplined and responsible for his work. Of course, in this case Mama also needs to keep an eye on him.

Eat and sleep regularly.

Studying online in the midst of this pandemic also keeps your little one under surveillance for 24 hours. For your little one who likes to skip snacks randomly at school or erratic nap hours because of school, with #dirumahaja Mama can reset the hours of eating, sleeping, and nutritional intake.

Can pursue a hobby

. Flexible study hours also make your little one have more time at home. Having more time allows your little one to explore various activities besides learning. Children will start thinking about trying to explore their hobby. Like singing, cooking, and so on.

Supporting your little one’s learning style

Online learning can accommodate a variety of learning styles and uses a variety of methods designed for different learners. Whether they learn in a more or less linear way, whether they learn visually or verbally, or whether they learn on the job, each student has a unique learning style. That way your little one can enjoy learning.

Learning situations that have to be done online may not have been felt before. This may be Mama Papa’s first experience of an online or distance learning situation. Even though it is done online, the success of children in school certainly cannot be ignored. Mama Papa needs to ensure that children can receive learning from school in a way that is conducive.

Research shows that distance education can be a challenge for all ages, especially children. Here are some tips for Mama Papa and your little one to help ensure success while learning online from home:

Be positive

Adapting to change is sometimes difficult, but it can be done with a positive attitude. Emphasize to the child that studying online will not prevent them from having fun. Create a positive atmosphere in the home environment. Every now and then, take a short break from media exposure that reports about Corona.

Organized and organized

Creating an orderly learning space to do schoolwork will help your little one in the learning process. Make sure it has room for books, computers, pens, paper, and other supplies. Label folders to store papers and notes for each subject. Make a daily schedule that has been agreed upon. Make sure Mama Papa sets up the time to have fun with your little one.

Make the best use of resources as possible

As an online learning student, your little one has many helpful resources available. Automatically, texts, online classes, and trusted websites can help him in the learning process.

But don’t forget there are plenty of human resources at your disposal: parents, teachers, or school advisors, are also reliable sources of information. Distance learning does not mean that the relationship with the teacher is tenuous. Do not hesitate to ask!

Don’t stare at the screen for too long.

Too much use of the screen can have a bad impact on a child’s brain. Therefore, it is very important in this situation to be extra careful in watching him learn online.

As much as possible, parents should encourage children to read books. If available, request textbooks from the child’s school along with other printed materials to offset the amount of online learning they will be doing.

